Let me tell you a story.

There was a child who dreamt of being an astronaut. But his mother told him that it would not be possible, as did his teacher, his professors, the priest and all the people in and around his life.
They told him to go to school, to find a normal job, to have a family and a normal life.
In the long run, they convinced him, so he married an average woman, moved into an average house with average mortgage and had average friends. A very average life indeed.
But in the very last hour of the last day of his life, he remembered that he wanted to be an astronaut and suddenly he realised that he had wasted his life.

One of my mentors told me that short story and I love to dwell on it finding its essence: the meaning of life.
Each of us has their own, so, go for it and find yours.

When I was a child, my dream was to travel the world, so in a such a way, I succeeded. But what was the price I paid to be the man I am now? I practically fought with everyone along the way. It was not easy but I love to say I was just lucky, because Mrs. Lucky only dates the brave.

Guys, I’ll never be tired of saying: DON’T WASTE YOUR TIME. Life is really a breath, the days roll up within weeks, months, years. Tic tac, tic tac. No way out, time passes and the vast majority of people waste it on sterile, meaningless activities.
Please do not be one of them. Leave the fears behind, follow your dreams and do it now.
